🗒️《Digital Transformation = Reimagining of the Business for the Digital Age》
| 2023-5-13
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May 13, 2023 02:32 PM
《Digital Transformation = Reimagining of the Business for the Digital Age》Mukesh Gupta
Digital transformation involves defining a roadmap with a sequence of capabilities that should be developed, with the specific purpose of leveraging digital technologies to drive business to a different level!
Digital Transformation is about using digital technologies to create new – or modify existing – business processes, culture and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements!!
Digital transformation is when you enable a non-digital native business to leverage digital technologies to transform themselves such that they are able to not only compete but also thrive in the new business environment.
The result of the digital transformation effort should either
– Create or enable new business processes and business models, which can lead to outsized increase in efficiencies and profits or enable the business to target new markets or customer segments.
– Create a new kind of culture or modify the existing culture within the organisation. Culture of the organisation is like the operating system on a computer. All other programs will need to work within the limitations of the operating system. Just like the operating system is always working behind the curtains, culture of an organisation is also always working behind the scenes and controls what can be done and what can’t be done.
– Create new or modify existing customer experiences. The reason for a business to exist is to create and satisfy a customer and her needs/wants/desires. So, digital transformation programs need to significantly change (hopefully make it better) the customer experiences in order to provide the disproportionate returns on the investment.
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